For a Time

Amphitrite meets me on the sandy beach in the early morn. She sits down beside me by the waters edge. The ebb of the water relaxes me. Her presence calms me as I clear my mind of obligations, hurts and wants. Her hand rests lightly on my shoulder. Here, I am me. No expectations and no demands are made of me. I can be angry, I can be sad, I can be happy, I can be.

All she wants is for me to make my choice. Today, I choose silence. We communicate with our eyes. She already knows my thoughts and desires. She smiles upon me with her acceptance of my choices. She will stand by me no matter what road I travel on. Wrong path or right, she will be my guide but never my leader.

The tide is moving closer to us. I lean forward to pick up the wet sand and squeeze it between my fingers. She follows my moves with her crystal blue eyes. Eyes reflecting the sea and the sky. Her skin is so pale like the froth on the shore and her hair is highlighted with the colours of a million sunsets.
I look to my right and see she is standing beside me with her hand reaching out to me. I put my hand in hers and she pulls me to my feet. We walk along the beach towards the mountain. I follow her to the sandy mounds and rocks. She stops periodically to check my progress, willing to extend her hand if need be. I am fine, knowing she waits for me. Each step I take I know is the right one. I am sure footed in my manoeuvres.

I am energized when we reach the mountain summit. Amphitrite puts her hands on my shoulders and smiles warmly at me. She is radiant. She hugs me and I feel warm and giddy. Gently, she turns me towards the sea.

I look out onto the horizon; I can see the sun beginning to set. Gulls fly in the distance play on the water’s crests. I look around me to see, no one is here but us. She has blessed me with her presence, attention and the beauty of life and the earth. I am overjoyed.

I sit to watch the sun kiss the ocean. She sits behind me and braids my long blonde hair. When she is done she pulls me back into her lap and I rest my head there as I continue to watch the ocean mate with the sky. Amphitrite hums a sweet melody as my eyes become heavy then close. My sleep is soundless and undisturbed.

I am awakened by the songs of birds and rolling over I see she has gone. But I am not alone. On a branch above me sits a horned owl. I smile.

“Good Morning, Mother.” The owl spreads its wings, waving at me and flies away. No further guarding is necessary. I sit up hugging my legs, breathing in the morning scents surrounding me. Looking down, a lady bug is resting on my toe. Manoeuvring it on to my hand I try not to injure its delicate body. I watch it dance across my palm then place it on the nearby foliage to feed.

The bush to my left rustles and I look up to see a young deer nibbling on bright red berries. Its black eyes smile at me. It is time to go.

Standing up, I stretch high into the sky. I feel rejuvenated and ready to begin my journey down the mountain to the beach below.

When I reach the beach the sun has fully risen and makes the earth sparkle and glow. Feeling a heaviness in my pocket, I slip in my hand and find a quartz crystal; a gift from Amphitrite. A reminder of her many gifts. Accepting this gift, I touch it to my forehead and to my lips. Holding it to my chest I close my eyes and give thanks. She is always thinking of me.

When I open my eyes, I am sitting comfortably in my ratty, tweed chair in the corner of the living room. Ocean scented candles burning and oceanic music playing in the background. Birds are chirping as they forage for seed in my front yard. The sun is shining into my window blanketing the room with warm light.

“Thank you for your blessing, mother.” Feeling warm, and alive, I pick up my meditation journal and write about my adventure and visitation.

Originally published 8/26/2003 at Large & Lovely, BellaOnline.

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