What are Women

What are we made up of besides skin and bone and a bit of fleshy parts here and there? There is more to us than our physical attributes is there not? It is easy to forget this when we are bombarded with a select window of images from a select few’s perception of beauty everywhere. What is a woman -- healing from within graphic.
Our own image is reflected back at us everywhere we go through mirrors, steel and shiny glass. We can not get away from our reflections and ultimately our negative (and if we are persistent, positive) thoughts of them. Sometimes, not even in sleep. We seem to ignore it’s true representation — we were meant to be.
If you have a healthy attitude toward your image then I guess it really does not matter. But can you honestly say that you have a healthy attitude 24/7. I know I certainly am not that diligent. Unfortunately there are a lot of women who don not share this positive disposition. But like me they are trying. For them I’ve created a positive word affirmation sheet in pdf format in Adobe.
Print it, colour it, add to it, then post it wherever your eyes visit most — on your fridge, your bulletin board or your desk. Fold it up and keep it in your day planner for when you have a 30 seconds to kill and need to remind yourself just how wonderful you are.
Here is an Adobe file of positive word affirmations — What a Women Is. Depending on how your computer is set up it may pop open in another window; in which case you would need to have pop ups enabled for a few minutes.
Originally published 1/10/2004 at Large & Lovely, BellaOnline.

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