Invoking Your Inner Goddess

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary “invoking” means “to petition for help or support” or “to put into effect or operation”.
When was the last time you invoked your inner goddess? Invoking your Goddess takes practice and planning. It’s important to plan a date with your inner goddess at least once a week. If you can’t commit to every week then begin with every two weeks. Mark it on your calendar and commit to it. Commitment is half the battle.
You may not see the affects of invoking your goddess right away but with perseverance it will be worth it. Others will probably notice before you do. Your goal over the next year should be to plan a weekly date with your goddess.
What is a goddess date? A block of time set aside for just you and your goddess. No clients, no kids, no spouse, no best friend.
What happens during your goddess date? Take a look at some of the suggestions that follow. You may come up with some of your own right away or as you invoke one of these.
Take a Bath
No, I don’t think you smell. No you can’t just take a shower. This one involves a little set up and a bit of planning if you have kids. You will need a clean bathtub, Epsom salts, scented candle, rose petals, and your favourite light music. Kick the husband out with the kids and put a “do not disturb” sign on the door. Start the music, run you bath water adding 1/2 cup of Epsom salts. Put up your hair, light your candle (put it somewhere where you can gaze at it when you’re in the tub), sprinkle the rose petals (you can buy just one if you’re fugal) on the surface of the water and step into your tub. How long do you stay there? Get out before the water cools. Relax for at least five minutes. Let your mind wander. If your thoughts turn negative, focus on the candle
Take a Walk
Again this may involve some planning. Even five minutes out of a hectic day will rejuvenate you. Tread mills don’t count. You must be outside. Feel the breeze brush your face and the warmth of the sun. If it’s raining, grab an umbrella. Inhale deeply. Ultimately, you want 30 minutes of walking time. Walk for the shear enjoyment of getting from one place to another on your own two feet.
Indulge in a Piece of Cake (or Pie)
My favourite. Chocolate Marble with fudge icing. This is an after hours date. No sharing. Cut yourself a big piece or pick it up from the grocery on the way home. Sit yourself down in your favourite spot, maybe light a candle. If you drink milk, get yourself a big glass. Break out the fine china and utensils if you have them. Savour every bite. Eat it any way you want.
On a rainy day, curl up with a warm blanket and that book you have wanted to read. Stick your blanket in the dryer for 10 minutes to get it toasty. Find your favourite spot and nest yourself into the blanket. Read, snooze, read some more.
Bird Watch
You have seen them around town, at the park, maybe even in your back yard. Maybe you have already discovered birding and are an avid watcher. Take a closer look the next time you see a chickadee or sparrow. Watch the rhythm of their flight, their foraging and tell me they aren’t beautiful to watch.
Movie Night
Go to a movie by yourself. Ugh. Are you kidding? No. Go to a movie. Sit in your favourite spot with your bag of popcorn and enjoy uninterrupted time in front of the best big screen.
Spend Time In Nature
Go for an overnight camp (by yourself). Spend time with yourself and nature. You’ll come back renewed and more appreciative of your surroundings and amenities.
Go To Bed Early
For that added burst of energy the next day.
Stay Up Late
So you can enjoy the benefits of sleeping in.
There are many forms of meditation. Buy a tape, read a book, or take a class. If you are up for a class, do your research and get a referral from a friend.
Draw (or Doodle)
Artistic talent is not a necessity. Pick up a pen or pencil and a blank piece of paper. Doodle if you think you can’t draw. Don’t think about what you are doing just do it. Bring the pencil to the paper and let it work its magic. Maybe throw on some of your favourite music to give you some inspiration. The good thing about this one is that you can do it for five minutes or thirty minutes. Frame it and call it a masterpiece.
Go to a dollar store. Spend time browsing up and down each aisle. Buy one frivolous item. You can either keep it on a shelf as a visible reminder to take time for yourself or give it a friend. Little surprises make everyone’s day.
Go for a Massage
Get a referral to a registered practitioner. There are two kinds of massage, therapeutic or relaxation. Definitely try both. Keep in mind that therapeutic involves a deeper touch and may require some getting use to but the benefits are great and lasting.
Spend time with people who make your laugh, read a funny joke. Laugh for the sake of laughing. Try it. Right now. Laugh. Fake it for a couple of seconds. All of a sudden you will find yourself laughing for real. It feels great to laugh. Let out a big belly one. If you’re at work pretend you’re reading something funny. If someone asks you what you’re laughing at tell them they wouldn’t understand. Chances are you wouldn’t be far from the truth.
There you have it, fourteen ways to delight and brighten the goddess in your life. Feel free to share your goddess days with me.
Remember, relax and enjoy yourself.
Originally published 1/24/2004 at Large & Lovely, BellaOnline.

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