Brain Gym
Weekend workshops are a great way to expand our mind, body and spirit. There are so many opportunities in our communities if we take the time to look. When the latest community calendar came out I decided on a mini Brain Gym session because of the neurological changes I have experienced after two grand mal seizures a few years ago. I didn’t know how much I was going to get out of this experience they called Brain Gym but I am glad I took the time and attention to participate.
The concept of Brain Gym was developed over twenty years ago by Paul Dennison. Mr. Dennison apparently had severe learning difficulties growing up. You would not know it now as he has a couple Phd’s under his belt. He developed Brain Gym because of those difficulties and literally took control of his life.
“Brain Gym includes twenty-six easy and enjoyable targeted activities that bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in concentration, memory, reading, writing, organizing, listening, physical coordination, and more.”
We learn new things about ourselves every day. The whole concept of how the brain develops as we grow up and older is interesting while the basic exercises existing to improve it is an easy concept to explore. During the Brain Gym session I did not work up a sweat (it is not that kind of exercise) and it did not hurt. The facilitator made it a painless learning session. It was a fun way to make contact with new people and learn something about myself in the process.
I believe it is primarily used for children and seniors but I totally recommend looking for a course in your area. The developers of the Brain Gym have an official site where you can learn more.
Originally published 1/30/2005 at Large & Lovely, BellaOnline.