Websites for Writers – Writers Digest

Being listed in Writer’s Digest 101 best sites for writers for a second year in a row is simply wonderful. They certainly brought us some eager writers over the last two years. I think it has also brought us a different range of writers. For instance, we have more men than we have ever had and the genre differences come from computers all over the world. We were worldly before but now we have an even greater array. It makes for a unique group.

The first Writer’s Digest magazine was published in the 1920s. Writers new to the profession may be surprised by this but those of us who read it know it as an excellent source for technical and professional information both in writing and publishing. Writer’s Digest has become the idol of the writing world, publishing a family of magazines and writing books to fill every niche of the business. They also have an online “university” teaching basic to advanced skills.

The WD website is designed for many fields: non-fiction, poetry, children’s, personal writing, script writing and of course fiction. There are author interviews, loads of articles and a huge array of resources. You could spend days getting to know the information offered at their website. If you are looking for places to submit your work be sure to check out the Writer’s Market which is the grand daddy of them all listing for writers. They even come specialized.

Writer’s Digest has been one of my favorite websites since I hit the internet and I don’t see my attitude changing any time soon. Go have a gander.

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