Patricia Kennelly
Writer Interview
Patricia Kennelly is a freelance writer, chef and restaurant owner who lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is a contributing editor at Garden and Hearth and the editor of Pikes Peak Writers News Magazine.
Moe: When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Patricia Kennelly: I was ten, my cousin and I wrote the Princesses of Gugalachi, which my mom handwrote, and we made copies at school. We sold each copy with construction paper covers for two cents a piece. It wasn’t a best seller but I loved the whole process of getting my thoughts on paper and sharing them with others.
Moe: Describe three lessons you have learned about writing?

Patricia Kennelly: Like any other career you have to work at it to be good, my uncle’s advise, “don’t be a lazy writer”. Be persistent; don’t let rejections stop you if you’re passionate about your words. Write every day, even when you don’t feel like it, if you just commit to five minutes a day, you’ll find yourself looking forward to the writing time and five minutes will turn into fifty in no time.
Moe: What are you working on now?
Patricia Kennelly: I am writing a women’s fiction manuscript that I hope to have finished by the end of the year thanks to BIW. I’m also working on a collection of short stories and I try to write a poem everyday. That’s in addition to my food writing.
Moe: Do you have a favorite writing related book?
Patricia Kennelly: I’m kind of a writing book fanatic but if I had to pick one I would say Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott. When I’m
feeling overwhelmed with life I reread it. It should be required reading for every beginning writer.
Moe: What is your favorite writing website?
Patricia Kennelly: I’m a big fan of Duotrope’s Digest, they make it easy to find publishers for your poetry, short fiction and novels. They also have a theme calendar that I use when I’m looking for inspiration.
Moe: Do you have an important BIW tip you’d like to pass along?
Patricia Kennelly: Plan your BIW week in advance. Learn how to say no to other commitments, you’re working on your craft. If you just joined get ready to be motivated
to write.
Visit Patricia Kennelly’s blog.
This interview was first published on the Book-in-a-Week website, May 2007.
Yeah, Pat! LOVED reading your interview! Moe’s a good interviewer. I’ve read others she’s done and am glad you were the one she interviewed this time around. 🙂
Hi Pat,
It must be wonderful knowing that your words inspire others to write.
The interview was great and thank you for being there:)