Big Fat Blog
Paul McAleer has been blogging regularly at Big Fat Blog for over six years. And if luck will have it he will be blogging for another six (and a lot longer). The site has undergone a face life this past year but it still maintains the same feel and purpose.
As a fat acceptance blog it challenges the media’s view of overweight and obese people. He has quite a following of regular readers (“just under 1200”) who leave comments that are just as interesting as his own. And it is not all positive stroking. There’s lots of lively discussion. You have to create a membership before you post any comments but it is easy and painless to do. Oh yes, and it’s free. But leaving a donation once and while would be a nice gesture.
Big Fat Blog is an excellent source of information and Paul has a light-hearted fat-activism attitude. Reading through his posts you will feel someone is on your side.
Big Fat Blog is one of the Best Plus Size Websites.