NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) is a non-profit “human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of fat people.” This fat activist group has been standing up for men and women since 1969. They have a dream and they have goals they are working towards.
Naafa wants fat people (of all sizes) to know they are not alone in their plight against discrimination. Their ultimate goal is to “eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self empowerment through public education, advocacy and member support.” They educate the average joe, the media, the medical community and the businesses that surround us.
The website lays out all their goals and how they are working towards them. It is a useful tool for learning about activism, their conventions and the latest news and views in the world on being fat. You will also information on the latest research and NAAFA’s interpretations and responses. The end of fat discrimination is in sight.
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* Visit NAAFA’s official website for further information

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