
Nano Round-Up

The 2007 NanoWriMo is finally over. It was a long month. Looking back I see all the mistakes along the way that I let prevent me from making my goal. The most obvious was not sticking to my daily goal and thinking I could make it up the next day or the day after that. But the biggest thing in my way was me.

Considering it was my first attempt I don’t think I did badly. I ended up with 20,300 words. Almost half way to the 50,000 goal. That is the most ‘fiction’ I’ve written in some time; so while I feel bad about not reaching my goal, (among other things) I feel good in having accomplished that. I definitely plan on participating again next year.

Congratulations to all my BIW buddies who participated and reached new heights. Onward and forward!

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  1. That’s a lot of words, and twice what I wrote! Congratulations. Lots of other folks simply think about writing. We actually do it. 🙂


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