Writing Meme
A meme is a popular blogging feature that allows bloggers to share information about themselves quickly. It also gives them an opportunity to say something when they feel at a loss for content. They can range from a variety of topics.
I found this one at Laura Cushing’s Writings and Ramblings and thought it would be a perfect addition to the BIW blog. Feel free to copy and paste it into your own blog (but make sure you leave us a link to it) or into the comment section of this post:
1. Your genre(s)?
2. How many books have you completed?
3. How many books are you working on now?
4. Are you a linear or chunk writer?
5. The POV you’re most partial to?
6. The theme that keeps cropping up in your books?
7. How many days a week do you write?
8. What time of day do you get your best writing done?
9. Who are your inspirations?
10. Who are your favorite authors to read?
1. Your genre(s)?
I would have to say literary fiction for lack of a better description. And of course non-fiction.
2. How many books have you completed?
3. How many books are you working on now?
4. Are you a linear or chunk writer?
It depends on the story. Sometimes it just comes out linear and sometimes I work in chunks and put them into linear order later.
5. The POV you’re most partial to?
Third person.
6. The theme that keeps cropping up in your books?
Death and deception.
7. How many days a week do you write?
8. What time of day do you get your best writing done?
When I’m most awake. That could be one in the afternoon or three in the morning.
9. Who are your inspirations?
The BIW Writers and pretty much any commercially published author and poet.
10. Who are your favorite authors to read?
Jane Austen, Janet Evanovich, Kim Harrison, Camilla Gibb, Kristen Den Hartog, Janet Fitch and Stephen King.