Kmom's Plus Size Pregnancy
Having a baby can be a scary process for any woman but plus size women have the added disadvantage of having every known complication compounded because of their size… at least that is what the medical profession would lead us to believe. These scare tactics can lead to a mentally draining pregnancy and fearful delivery.
It is possible for plus size women to have happy, healthy pregnancies and deliveries. Kmom’s Plus Size Pregnancy provides a realistic and size positive approach to providing plus size women pregnancy information. The content was “written and sponsored by Kmom, a childbirth educator and freelance writer who has read extensively about obesity, pregnancy, birth, and related topics in both the medical and lay literature”. At this posting it hasn’t been updated since June 2007 but the information is far from out of date.
At Kmon’s Plus Size Pregnancy website you’ll find almost everything you need to know to encourage open educated discussions with your medical team and make informed decisions about your pregnancy:
- Preparing For Your Pregnancy
- Fertility Concerns
- Plus-Size Pregnancy Risks
- Finding a Size-Friendly Provider
- Kmom’s Top Hints For A Better Birth
- Important Issues
- Prenatal Testing
- Dealing With Pregnancy Discomforts
- Plus-Size Maternity and Nursing Clothing
- Possible Pregnancy Complications
- Alternative Medicine
- Plus Size Birth Stories
- Breastfeeding
- Postpartum Issues
- Cesareans and VBACs
- Books, Links, and Support Groups
Topic Links
* Kmom’s Plus Size Pregnancy is one of the Best Plus Size Websites.