Websites for Writers – Dr Mardy
Dr Mardy Grothe has a background in psychology but his current field is Executive Coaching and Team-Building. He has a number of business titles published including: Problem Bosses: Who They Are and How to Deal With Them (1987); Problem Employees: How to Improve Their Performance (1991); Can This Partnership Be Saved? (1993); and Dealing With Difficult Colleagues (1996).
He also has a number “word and language” books such as Never Let a Fool Kiss You or a Kiss Fool You: Chiasmus and a World of Quotations That Mean What They Say and Say What They Mean (1999); Oxymoronica: Paradoxical Wit & Wisdom From History’s Greatest Wordsmiths (2004); Viva la Repartee: Clever Comebacks & Witty Retorts From History’s Great Wits & Wordsmiths (2005).
In August of this year I Never Metaphor I Didn’t Like: A Comprehensive Compilation of History’s Greatest Analogies, Metaphors, & Similes will reach bookstores.
His website is a treasure trove of information on quotes and writing techniques related to the above topics that would make excellent writing prompts as well as being educational, inspirational and motivational. I just signed up for his weekly newsletter which offers quotes, puzzles and historical tidbits.
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* Visit Dr Mardy.