
New From Finland

Long time BIW member, Christine Hammar (a.k.a Christine in Finland) recently announced an emotionally rewarding writing project her and 8 other women embarked on. They have written stories (one each) about “the thing in our lives that have bothered us most for years and years”.

Christine says, “the theme of the stories is how a group of ‘Alices in Wonderland’ got aboard the ‘Titanic of their life’, sank with their ship but emerged by learning from their experiences, thus changing and saving themselves.”

The book, titled The One and Same Story, will be released in October of this year at the book fair in Helsinki. They are currently looking for an English publisher in the US so if you know of anyone who would be interested in a translation please post in the comments.

Here is the recently translated back cover:

The One and Same Story, is a book compiled of nine different and yet so alike stories. They tell of grief, abandonment, of the need to be acknowledged. The stories also cover choices made and the repercussions bad choices have.

These 9 women have all embarked on their very own luxury ships to take a pleasurable trip across their lives. None of them knew that their ship is in fact The Titanic of their life. It crashes into an iceberg leaving its passengers in need and fearing of death. The crash disregards status and rank causing a painful trauma, almost knocking the women down.

“Brave ones only die once, cowards die many times.”

The women who wrote their stories, aren’t cowards anymore.

The One and Same Story is a collection of stories of how societal and global occurrences and catastrophes impact the individual born in the midst of them. While one can’t control them, the only solution left is to adapt.

The stories also tell how experiences of the preceding generation affect the next and even the next generation. How much will have to happen, how great must the pain become before all things are told! The journey from silence to voice is long, sometimes several generations long!

These stories have been written for your encouragement, Dear Reader! Flip through the pages: maybe you’ll find yourself in one of the stories now, maybe later. You’ll find the stories show that giving up is never an option! You have to hang on to the often worn edge of your life and go on living!

There are gazillion stories in the world and yet: just the one. You’re not alone. You’re not the only one.

God bless you!

With love,
Your Sisters

Congratulations to the 9 sisters.

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* Christine Hammer – BIW Member Interview

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