Something to think about
Here’s a little something to apply to your writing today (maybe even write about in your morning pages):
“Why do writers write? Because it isn’t there.”
~Thomas Berger
Here’s a little something to apply to your writing today (maybe even write about in your morning pages):
~Thomas Berger
Miss Platnum makes the funniest and most engaging music videos. I just love watching her… and listening too, of course. You can sing along with the lyrics below the video. Come Marry Me Song Lyrics Come closer, Peter Come here, come, come here, Peter Listen, you’re my husband now Peter, I know you don’t love…
The Love Your Body Project was first founded by Cathy Miller (Big on Batik founder). The website’s wristbands, which come in a full 8.5″ diameter and cost $3.50 each, are meant to “enrich the lives of women of all sizes with a powerful affirmation: Love Your Body.” Throughout the day you could look down and…
Do you have an ideal reader? You know the one reader that you think about as you are sculpting your prose; that reader who is sitting on your shoulder as you look for the proper way to turn a phrase, or escalate a series of events? This idea has come and gone throughout my writing…
When I was small, one of my favorite books was called, Are you my Mother? In it, a confused baby bird wanders around asking an unlikely selection of characters – including a cow and a JCB digger — whether they are its mother. They are not, of course. One is too brown, another too big,…