Kirstie Alley Lens
I can not be the only who thinks Kirstie Alley is unfairly treated by the pap and Hollywood in general. I have created a lens (surprise, surprise) on Kirstie Alley. Stop by, read, take a poll, rate, and leave a warm fuzzie.
I can not be the only who thinks Kirstie Alley is unfairly treated by the pap and Hollywood in general. I have created a lens (surprise, surprise) on Kirstie Alley. Stop by, read, take a poll, rate, and leave a warm fuzzie.
Last night when I was busy working on my third lens for my Squidoo Summer Course it never occurred to me that it would be rewarded a purple star so quickly (or at all really). I woke up this morning and there was a message in my inbox that it was purplized. This is my…
Ever since the Purple Star was instituted at Squidoo I’ve been hoping that my Curvy Chics lens would get picked. Today the wish came true! The Curvy Chics lens is kind of an index for other lenses. It gives brief intros on some of my favorite curvy chics and then leads readers to larger lenses…
I don’t like football. But I love football movies. Especially if they have an inspirational story to go along with it. Today’s suggestion is actually involves making two lenses. The first lens is from the perspective of someone who actually loves the game of football. The second lens is from the perspective of someone who…
Make a lens featuring movie reviews for some of the best inspirational movies featuring teachers. Don’t just put a listing of the movies. Use at least ten text boxes and write 250 to 400 word review of each movie. Provide an Amazon link at the end or use a Amazon module at the end just…
One of the first things you should do when creating a new lens is to set up the innards of the guestbook module. Here’s a very short instructional video on what to do to make your guestbook a better experience for guests and most importantly yourself. This is my first instructional video using this method…
A good way to keep your lens building on trend is to create a seasonal promotions schedule. Having one will make it easier for creating lenses on topic for each month of the year. Even though it is March it is not too late to set one up for this year. Here is a basic…