Rita B. Fox
BIW Member Interview
Rita B. Fox writes short stories and children stories. She is always surprised other people like them. She is 49 years old, married and has three kids. She likes to be creative with writing, drawing, and poetry. She loves to cuddle with her 11 year old daughter, who is often her pool of ideas.
Moe: When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Rita B. Fox: When someone invited me to join a writing group, when I was with a poetry group. I said yes. Then I thought “Oh, my gawd!” what did I say. I never wrote a story in Dutch, and never in English. But it turned out very well. I did it for two and a half years (from 2002 until 2005). It improved my English and my writing, as they told me.
Moe: Describe three lessons you have learned about writing?
Rita B. Fox:
- I just write what I like.
- I write just for the fun of writing
- Writing is a good way too deal with things
Moe: What are you working on now?
Rita B. Fox: I write mainly short stories. I am starting a new kid’s story about a little girl and a horse. My daughter is my model.
Moe: Do you have a favourite writing related book?
Rita B. Fox: No, not really. I am a free writer. I write just what I like with as less rules as possible.
Moe: What is your favourite writing website?
Rita B. Fox: BIW and the sites of Dan Goodwin a creative coach from England.
Moe: Do you have an important BIW tip you’d like to pass along?
Rita B. Fox: Just write because you like to do it, write without thinking about what would others think. If others like what you write, yippee, otherwise too bad, but you had the fun of writing it.
Thank you for participating Rita. It’s nice to read about writers from all over the world.