10 Last Minute Halloween Costumes
It is the night before Hallween and you still don’t have a costume. You haven’t had the time and really who has the money. Here are ten last minute costume ideas for the fat chick on a budget:
- Spy – Dress in black pants, long sleeve black shirt, black gloves, dark glasses, cell phone.
- Prostitute from Hell– Throw on your sluttiest dress, coif your hair and over do the makeup.
- Roman Princess – Put on a bathingsuit then take a clean white sheet and wrap it around your body and tie it over one shoulder. Find some fake flowers to put in your hair.
- Silent Film Star – Borrow a suit from your father (or uncle), slick hair back and added dark eye liner to your eyes and draw a mustache on your lip.
- Country Princess – Put on a pair of overalls (I still have a denim pair hiding in my closet), a sexy tank, curl the hair up, and get a cob of corn.
- Pirate – Dark pants, high boots, white collar shirt. Tie a wrap around waist and a bandana in your hair.
- Stewardess – Dark suit skirt, dark suit jacket, white shirt, necktie. You decide whether she’s naughty or nice.
- Ghost Bride’s Maid – Put one of those Bride’s Maid dresses to good use (any marks all ready there add to the look). Use your make up talents to create a dead appearance.
- Hula Girl – Take three large garbage bags. Sew bottom edges one after the other on a long piece of twine. Cut slits from open edge up to an inch from the twine. Tie around waist to make a hula grass skirt, add tank top (bathingsuit top), draw black design on face with eye pencil or be a princess. You can make a lei out of an egg carton by cutting each cup off and sewing them together. Paint with quick drying paint or glue colored construction paper to centers.
- Cheerleader – Short pleated shirt, tight sweater. Find some scrap material and cut out a letter. Pin in place and loosely sew to front of sweater (tie ends together loosely in back so you can easily remove next day). Make poppoms using a few small white garbage bags (tie knot at closed end and cut slits to make streamers.
Happy Halloween!
What great ideas for costumes!! My favorite is the Hula girl!
My sweetie wasn’t too crazy about the paintbrushes in the wash until he removed them and saw how clean they were. He thought I did it accidently and when I told him it was intentional, he said that he never heard of anyone doing this.
so…good ideas! congrats! im def. gonna use one of these…probably the spy one jus caus eit sound easy…but thx!
Great selection of costumes ideas. Prostitute from hell, classic!