Clean Out Your Closet

Yes ladies, it is that time of year again! Time to make room in your closets for the new fall purchases you are most likely going to make. Chances are there is at least one item you never wore this past summer. Where there is one there’s always another. So as you’re packing up your summer clothes separate the keeping from the giving. And as you are unpacking your fall stuff do the same.
There are lots of people who would be interested in wearing anything that you are not. Donate them to the local Sally Ann, Value Village or other reuseable clothing store.
If you have some career wear then please consider the organization Dress for Success. If you haven’t heard of Dress for Success they are a “international not-for-profit organization” that helps disadvantage women look good when they go for that job interview that could change their lives. Visit the Dress for Success site to find a location near you or to learn more about the organization and the programs they offer women in need.
My challenge to you this week is to clean out your closet and find a minimum of 5 – 10 clothing items to donate. If you like, think of it as being green and that you are helping the environment by recycling.
Happy closet cleaning!

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  1. Have you been peeking into my closet! I so need to clean it out & reorganize for fall/winter. I have too many clothes although I regularly clean out & give to Goodwill.
    I do hold on to some stuff hoping I’ll someday want to wear it. It looks so good on the hanger.

  2. I “see” all! LOL
    I try to clean my closet out twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall. Some times, it only happens in the fall. 🙁
    Despite being a regular closet cleaner there are still a few things I hang onto; like the size 11 jeans – from my teens. I just don’t want to give them up. I consider them a historical piece… yeah, historical. So you are not alone.
    But I’m happy to say that I do downsize every year. 🙂

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