
Daily Lit

Many people spend more time on their Blackberry and iPhone than they do reading a book made from paper. These days the form you read isn’t as important as making the time to read. With the website Daily Lit there is the possibility of increasing the quality of your reading material with only five minutes at a time. Those who have succumbed to the convenience of handheld devices or those who can’t enjoy the comforts of a warm chair, hot tea and a good book can now have top choice novels emailed to them in five minute increments to be enjoyed on the spot.

This past week I’ve been enjoying the words of Theodore Dreiser from Sister Carrie as well as Many Thoughts from Many Minds quotations. The short increments don’t interfere with my day but have allowed me to schedule in some extra reading. Unless I decide to speed things up it will take me 199 instalments to finish Sister Carrie which is about six months unless.

You don’t need to register to read but registering helps to keep track of what you have read and it allows participation in the forums for book discussions with other readers. It was really easy to register at Daily Lit. All I needed was a functional email. There was some optional data like name, location etc but relatively painless. With each book I sign up for on the website I am able to control the settings as to number of days (I chose weekdays) I receive instalments, size of print and even time of day I receive it. Should I decide I have more time for reading the instalment I can have longer ones sent to me. If for whatever reason I need to take a break I can suspend the emails until it is appropriate to receive them again.

Many of the books are public domain with over 800 choices that are free for reading. They do have a buying selection of contemporary reads like James Patterson, Tracy Cox. And over 300 Harlequin romances if you are into that. All appear to be under $10. Or a little levity I purchased Sand in My Bra by Jennifer Leo.

If you spend any length of time on the computer I highly recommend you check out the Daily Lit as a source for increasing your quality reading quotient.

Visit the Daily Lit to get your daily literary dose.

This piece was originally posted on 3/24/2009 at Literary Fiction, BellaOnline.

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