
Story in Literary Fiction

“Resources for Writers of Literary Fiction”

The Literary Fiction website at BellaOnline is solely for readers who enjoy literary fiction but writers may also gleam information (what is a writer who doesn’t read) from the site especially from the interview section. I don’t normally feature websites for writers because there is a “writing” section in BellaOnline’s career section (see related links below). And it is so rare to find a website with a focus of encouraging writers to write only literary fiction. Bill Cole emailed me recently to let me know about his website, Story in Literary Fiction.

The main categories of this website are essays, interviews, stories to read for pleasure, workshop advice and a study guide. Of all the categories I believe essays category is the most helpful to beginning writers and writers requiring a refresher. There are essays on story, character, momentum, narration, drama, motivation, credibility, point of view, and dialogue. The essays are short and sweet without a lot of fluff in between. The workshop category is also quite useful with articles on how to choose a workshop, working with literary agents and how to critique a manuscript.

An interesting feature of Story in Literary Fiction is the “study guide” which is designed to give literary fiction writers a better understanding of the website, how to use it to their advantage, the content it features and hopefully, in the end, improve the visitor’s writing.

Story in Literary Fiction feels like it is still growing. There are a limited number of interviews, stories for reading pleasure (can be read or listened to), and a few books for purchase. For those interested in writing Literary Fiction it is a good stepping stone along the way to improving writing skills.

Visit Story in Literary Fiction as a writing resource.

This piece was initially published in 4/21/2009 at Literary Fiction, BellaOnline.

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