White As A Sheet

I spent most of my life being white as a sheet and being commented to about it. I don’t really care any more since white is in again and when the wrinkles start to really roll around I will be blessed with looking younger.

When I saw this new t-shirt from Threadless (I never get sick of mentioning them) I had to mention it to you. The “White as a Sheet” t-shirt was designed by Anwar Rafiee. It comes in sizes small to 3x for $18. I luv this one but I would like to see another version with blonde hair. Although technically, I guess you could argue she could be blonde because the image is printed in black and white.
I love Threadless tees because they have such unique limited designs and of course because they come in plus size. Hopefully some day soon they will go bigger than 3x so even more people can enjoy them.
Another reason I love Threadless is their obvious appreciation for cake! Threadless in conjuction with Threadcakes is having a contest this summer where Threadless t-shirt owners can create cakes in the likeness of their favorite t-shirts. This is their second year for running the contest and they have a nice line up of prizes; like a year’s worth of tees (luv it!) and a bunch of baking supplies.
I’m actually kind of excited. I have my cake planned in my head so far with a couple of notes on paper. I’m not going to tell what shirt I’m doing yet until I unveil/submit my final results but you can probably read about complaining on twitter. If you are a Threadless nut like me I hope you’ll enter too.
Topic Links
* Get your own White as a Sheet t-shirt
* Sign up for the Threadcakes contest

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  1. I like the white tshirt because there I feel very confident and easy! More like it combined with other colors!

  2. Maureen,
    I love the looks of that shirt. Is there a way for me to have one?

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