Poetry Wednesdays
Your topic is mossy trees.
Your form is: couplet
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: addiction. Your form is: one stanza of twelve lines and six sentences. Do not name the addiction in the title or body of writing and do not use the word addiction.
For the poetry writers (even if you don’t write poetry give it a try). Your topic is: saying goodbye. Your form is: Cinquain
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: making friends. Your form is: free write for fifteen minutes then develop it into a block poem.
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: men in white. Your form is: seven to nine stanzas with alternating 3 and 5 lines. * * * * * * * * * * * etc. Or vice versa 5, 3,…
Your topic: the woman in the red ruffled dress. Your form: three Pantoum stanzas.
Your topic is: something we can’t live without. Your form is: Write a 12 line poem. Within each line there must be three words beginning with the same letter but each line must focus on a different letter. You can repeat one of the letters in the last line or repeat one of the lines…