Journal Mondays
Write about your mother’s garden. If your mother didn’t have a garden write about another relative (or a neighbor’s) garden.
Write about your mother’s garden. If your mother didn’t have a garden write about another relative (or a neighbor’s) garden.
Journal about a time when you were locked up either on purpose or by accident.
Here’s a weekend quote to journal about: Security is a superstition–it does not exist in nature. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. ~ Helen Keller
Journal about the first time you slow danced with someone from the opposite sex.
Journal about your favorite outdoor winter activity starting with what it is, the first time you participated, and why you like it. Include any other memories you have surrounding this activity.
Think for a few minutes about physical beauty and what it means to you. Journal about the physical beauty you see in others and how it differs between the men and women you meet. Look into how your regard for beauty changes as you get to know someone. Close with thoughts on your personal beauty.
For fifteen minutes journal about your view on gay/lesbian marriage. If you have more time explore your relationships with any gay/lesbian people you have known.