Image Tuesdays
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. baby under the sea image copyright Scott & Elaine van der Chijs, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. woman crossing street image copyright Thomas Babut, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. two people in subway image copyright Randy Pertiet, flickr
Are you in control of your own mind? Watch this 8 minute video for cues that you may not. This week’s video clip provides excellent fodder for a fiction piece on mind control either from the controlled or the controller. Or a non-fiction piece on mind control in our daily lives.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. busker with dog image copyright Thomas Babut, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. skeleton image copyright J.A. de Jonas Araújo foi, flickr