Image Tuesdays
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. pillars image copyright Odysseus, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. horse in blanket with sheep watching image copyright Magic Foundry, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. woman smoking image copyright Colin Gregory, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. child squirted by water image copyright Dan Eckert, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. who’s that girl image copyright rodricg, flickr
Eve Ensler talks about her theory of the “girl cell” that exists in both men and women. She goes on to discuss how this girl cell which holds things like compassion, empathy, passion, vulnerability, relationships etc has been systematically obliterated by our society. It’s an interesting twenty minute video filled with lots of fodder for…