Poetry Wednesdays
Your topic is a blood thirsty…
Your form is: pleiades
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: half sisters. Your form is: reverse haiku format (7, 5, 7) for at least three stanzas.
Use the following five words to write a poem: inventing, cloths, knuckles, roots, fences
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: peppermint tea… Your form is: make a perfect square using extra spaces. i.e.
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: bad neighbors. Your form is: an irregular lined poem with at least seven words that begin with the letter “P”. Except do it single spaced, for some reason I could only do this double spaced with in the post. ex. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: blue. Your form is: one thirteen stanza poem. Direction A: each line must contain a word that represents the feelings of being blue. Direction B: each line must contain a different name for the color blue.
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: New York City. Your form is: ghazal