Journal Mondays
Here are three words. Write about how they relate to a piece of your history: balance, laugh, beauty.
Here are three words. Write about how they relate to a piece of your history: balance, laugh, beauty.
Journal about your favorite outdoor winter activity starting with what it is, the first time you participated, and why you like it. Include any other memories you have surrounding this activity.
Write about the number of siblings in your family; specifically about your placement as the youngest, middle or oldest child. If you are an only child write about the advantages or disadvantages of being an only child (or whether you grew up craving siblings).
How did you wear your hair as a child? Was it long and braided or short and tapered? Journal about the many, or the few, hairstyles you had as a child and what you liked and hated about them. Don’t forget to include the affect your parents and friends had on your hair.
How do you react to stillness? Can you be alone with yourself and still be comfortable in your own skin? Journal about your reaction to being alone with yourself.
Journal about five things you have said to someone that you wish you had not said. Briefly write about each conversation (who, what, where, when, etc), why you wish you had not said it, and how you wish you had responded.
Journal about the worst job interview you ever had. Tomorrow journal about the best interview you ever had.