Journal Mondays
Write about one belief you have that has changed from ten years ago. Be sure to include the procession from your original belief until now.
Write about one belief you have that has changed from ten years ago. Be sure to include the procession from your original belief until now.
Are you and adventurous person? Journal about how you are adventurous or why you are not.
Consider for a few moments how you react in emergency situations? Journal today about an emergency situation you have been in, describing it from beginning to end and highlighting your behavior and emotions. If you have never been in an emergency situation then journal about one that you have thought about or played through your…
I thought about skipping the whole love prompts this week but then it just felt weird not acknowledging Valentine’s Day at all. I have been trying to brain storm ideas that were not mushy, or lovey dovey, or anti-whatever but it was really hard. Here are ten journaling prompts — pick one that works for…
Today, write a letter to yourself at fourteen with at least ten things you know now that you wish you knew then. Tomorrow, write a letter to your future self at eighty with at least ten dreams or hopes for the future.
For fifteen minutes journal about your view on gay/lesbian marriage. If you have more time explore your relationships with any gay/lesbian people you have known.
Define what a miracle means to you. What aspects are necessary for you to consider something a true miracle? If you can include an example.