Poetry Wednesdays
Your topic: the sharp edge of a sword
Your form: dorsimbra.
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: runny mascara. Your form is: villanelle.
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: hate speech. Your form is: abecedarian. Except instead of using the alphabet use each letter of the first line of poem.
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: finding out that you have been cheated. Your form is: write two stanzas using the rhyming form of ottavia rima. If the momentum suits go longer. If you want to try and further your challenge keep each line to eleven syllables. a b a b a b c…
Your topic is: simplicity Your form is: Tanka — five lines with or without syllable counting 1. short line / 5 syllables 2. long line / 7 syllables 3. short line / 5 syllables 4. long line / 7 syllables 5. long line / 7 syllables Example: Is the inlaid box With a gilt hasp…
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: mischief and weekenders. Your form is: five stanzas of five equally spaced lines — name piece after a weekend i.e. “October 13, 2012”.
For the poetry writers (even if you don’t write poetry give it a try). Your topic is: saying goodbye. Your form is: Cinquain