Journal Mondays
Write about something you have witnessed but have never spoken up about. It can be something in your personal life or career.
Write about something you have witnessed but have never spoken up about. It can be something in your personal life or career.
The world did not end this month. Since you are going to be around a little longer, journal about one thing you are absolutely going to try before the year is through.
Fill in the blank and elaborate on: I make _____ very well.
List ten simple short goals for this week and what makes them important to you. Write a paragraph for each on the best way to follow through.
Make a list of all the times you have hit someone. If you have never hit anyone, make a list of all the times you wish you would have hit someone. This list can be used for future journaling entries to expand on each event.
The smell of vanilla makes me think of…
Architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe coined the phrase that “less is more” when it comes to buildings. It can also apply to other things. List 5 situations where less really is more. Continue writing by explaining why you think so for each one.