Image Tuesdays
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. woman with plastic gun image copyright Jason Scragz, flickr
If you haven’t heard of Stephen Hawking, he’s a brilliant physicist afflicted with ALS. Here is a ten minute movie with him talking about the universe and our part in it. Watch some or all of it then write about one of the questions and possible answers from your opinion being sure to quote at…
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. the window image copyright Tiberiu Ana, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. lovely couple image copyright Christopher Michel, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. How to use an image prompt. girl on swing set pointing, image copyright Pierre-Etienne Bergeron, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. How to use an image prompt. little prince and little princess, image copyright Daniel X. O’Neil, flickr
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Silence of the Lambs. It was the butterfly that did it. If you look close enough, the butterfly seems to have “bug eyes” staring right back.