Journal Mondays
What do you value most at this particular moment?
What do you value most at this particular moment?
Journal about the kiss you think about most often. If there isn’t one that has made such an impact on you then journal about the kiss you missed or the kiss you wished for that never came.
Journal about a location from a novel you have read that you would like to visit in person. The location doesn’t have to be real. Describe the place and what makes it attractive to you. Consider including someone you would take with you.
Journal about “alien abductions”. Believe them? Not? Why? Why not?
You are fed up with everything and everyone. Develop a ten step plan to walk away and disappear.
Make a list in your journal about ten reasons why you think “the church” is important in society and the home. If you don’t believe this then journal from the perspective of someone who does. Later today work on the opposite view.
I have been doing some cleaning in my office. Purging really. It has been time consuming because it is mostly paper stuff and I want to read most things to determine their value. I would say ninety percent is getting recycled. The rest is either being scanned to put in my One Note in a…