Journal Mondays
What is something you want to accomplish this week beyond the usual?
What is something you want to accomplish this week beyond the usual?
Write about a time something was taken from you. It can be a memory from your childhood or something recent.
Open up your journal and write at least one page about a lovely sunset you remember. Where was it? Was anyone with you? What made it so lovely?
Journal about five stereotypes you routinely perpetuate without meaning to. Include at least three actions for each to help you reduce the occurrence.
Journal about your relationship with technology. Include at least five things you love about it and five things you don’t.
Journal about the threat of nuclear war? Do you think it is over for North America? Or do you think it is just on the back burner while the smaller countries are catching up to technology? Would you want to know of an impending attack or would you just like to keep going about your…
Make a list of fifteen people you are thankful for being in your life today.