Poetry Wednesdays
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: your spouse / partner / best friend and asking for forgiveness.
Your form is: a poetic letter. Use the salutation as the title.
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: your spouse / partner / best friend and asking for forgiveness.
Your form is: a poetic letter. Use the salutation as the title.
Your topic: the woman in the red ruffled dress. Your form: three Pantoum stanzas.
For the poetry writers. Even if you do not normally write poetry make an effort to complete this exercise. Your topic is: hot steamy showers. Your form is: free write for fifteen minutes about topic. Go through afterwards and put a line through any groups of three words until you can whittle it down to…
Your topic is road maps. Your form is: acrostic verse
Your topic is: swimming at the lake. Your form is: whitney
For the poetry writers. Your topic is: the ring Your form is: Pantoum (see form below) Ex: Line One Line Two Line Three Line Four Line Five same as Line Two Line Six Line Seven same as Line Four Line Eight Line Nine same as Line Six Line Ten Line Eleven same as Line Eight…
Write a five stanza poem about the meaning of your name without ever using your actual name.