Journal Mondays
Write your obituary as if you died yesterday. Then write another with you dying twenty years from now.
Write your obituary as if you died yesterday. Then write another with you dying twenty years from now.
Write about your mother’s garden. If your mother didn’t have a garden write about another relative (or a neighbor’s) garden.
Write in your journal today about: What does “old age” mean to you?
Spend some time journaling about the recipes you grew up with. What was your all time favorite sweet treat that your mother, aunt, grandmother or whoever baked for you? If you have kids, do you bake it for them today or do you have another favorite recipe just for them. Be sure to include the…
Journal about a super power you would like to have (invisibility, super strength, x-ray vision, speed etc.) and what you would do with it. List ten good things you would do with it and ten bad things.
If you are a church goer then write in your journal today a page or two about what goes through your mind while you are sitting in the pew. If you are not a church goer then write about any experience you had going to church (growing up, christening, wedding, etc) and journal about any…
In your journal explore your spiritual faith by dividing your life into stages (this may be more writing for some than others depending on how old you are right now) — grade school, teenager, young adult, parent, retired, senior. If you haven’t reached a stage yet reflect on what your spiritual faith would be like.