Image Tuesdays Writing Prompt
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it.
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. family viewing Eiffel Tower image copyright Phil B. (Smlp), flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. fedora girl image copyright brandi, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. man in uniform image copyright Mike Sheridan, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. sunshine feet image copyright M-a-c, flickr
Study the image for a few minutes then write about it. cracked earth image copyright AJ Leon, flickr
Everyone loves a good conspiracy story. Often times they are based on real stories and some times real life stories spur on new ideas. Watch this three minute clip about death row inmate Marco Chapman, then spend some time writing a passage from a book by a death row inmate (either this one or one…