Platform Shoes

Want some height without sacrificing your feet to six inch heels? Then go platform, baby!
What are platform shoes? Basically, platforms shoes give you a few inches of height in the toe section without increasing the rise in the heel. Traditionally a platform base would be four inches but many of today’s platforms start at two. So a three inch heel rise could be on a two inch platform giving you a total height of five inches or you can be wearing four inch platforms and have your foot completely horizontal. Platforms can come in sandals, sneakers or boots.
To say that Zappos has oodles of platform shoes is really an understatement. I could have spent hours looking at the different styles and price ranges available. Here are eight pairs of my favorite platforms:
women's platform shoes from Zappos
Many of the above shoes come in color/print variations.

  • Nine West BeAlright in dark orange, $99
  • Ted Baker Luzula in tan leather, $220
  • Luichiny Need A Pair in yellow (comes in an awesome turquoise too!), $81
  • Steve Madden Pammyy in blue suede (the name makes me think of Pam from True Blood), $67
  • Luichiny Ca Sandra in pink, $89
  • Nine West Larysa in gold silver, $79
  • KORS Michael Kors Virasana in dark tan vachetta, $225
  • KORS Michael Kors Sahale, $275

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* Get your platform shoes from Zappos

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