Journal Mondays Writing Prompt
Journal about the ever increasing fascination scientists have with how the body works. Include three areas that you think that science has gone too far and three areas where science has not gone far enough.
Journal about the ever increasing fascination scientists have with how the body works. Include three areas that you think that science has gone too far and three areas where science has not gone far enough.
Journal five ways you can become a better person.
Journal for fifteen minutes today by making a list of twenty five words from your childhood all beginning with the letter D or P (pick only one). Feel free to share in the comments three that you came up with.
Journal about the most significant thing that happened to you this weekend? Describe it from beginning to end then close with why it stands out for you.
Consider for a few moments how you react in emergency situations? Journal today about an emergency situation you have been in, describing it from beginning to end and highlighting your behavior and emotions. If you have never been in an emergency situation then journal about one that you have thought about or played through your…
It’s the first of February. It’s cold outside. Journal about things you do to keep warm in February.
Journal about your favorite outdoor winter activity starting with what it is, the first time you participated, and why you like it. Include any other memories you have surrounding this activity.