Journal Mondays Writing Prompt
Journal about your friendships today — what makes your good friendships good and your bad friendships bad — include at least five for each and provide one example.
Journal about your friendships today — what makes your good friendships good and your bad friendships bad — include at least five for each and provide one example.
Journal about what you need from the most important relationship in your life right now.
Spend some time writing in your journal today about an award you wish you had won or would like to win.
Open a fresh page in your journal and draw a circle about half way across the page so it is big enough to write in and on the outside of it. On the inside of the circle list the things that you keep close to you and on the outside of the circle list the…
Make a list of ten people you would like to apologize to. For each name on your list write a short three to five line apology.
Journal about “alien abductions”. Believe them? Not? Why? Why not?
Journal five ways you can become a better person.