Journal Mondays Writing Prompt
Journal for fifteen minutes or longer about eight things that you wish Christmas was about but is not. If you do not celebrate Christmas then write about why you should get a holiday from it.
Journal for fifteen minutes or longer about eight things that you wish Christmas was about but is not. If you do not celebrate Christmas then write about why you should get a holiday from it.
Journal fifteen minutes or longer about what you think your life would have been like if you had been born and raised in another country.
Write your obituary as if you died yesterday. Then write another with you dying twenty years from now.
Journal for fifteen minutes about the person you would trust with your deepest darkest secrets. If there is no one journal about why.
Journal about your relationship with technology. Include at least five things you love about it and five things you don’t.
Lists are a great way to get many ideas down in a short amount of time. Spend the day working on a list of fifty things you are good at. Take fifteen minutes now or keep a notepad with you and list them as they come to you. It can something as simple as making…
Journal about “alien abductions”. Believe them? Not? Why? Why not?