Janes Patient Examination Gown Review

Sharon Linder is the founder of Get Janes, a company specializing in patient examination gowns for women. Initially the company focused on commercial uses for their gowns but have since expanded to selling their gowns online to the individual consumer.
I know from personal experience how frustrating it is to go into a doctor’s office only to find no gowns in my size or having to wear two gowns to cover both front and back with a sheet for backup. So when Sharon asked if I would be willing to review one of her gowns for PlusShe.com readers I said, “Yes”.
Before I even received my package I found Sharon very open to suggestions. When I expressed some concern about the lack of sizing and washing information on the site she was quick to reply with further information and even instituted changes to the website within a few days to make the experience clearer for other shoppers. I do not know many retailers who move that quick.
Right from the beginning there is a “we care” feeling about the company. This is how the gown arrived:
Pretty orange packaging to match the orange Get Janes logo.
I unwrapped the package to find a small drawstring bag with my name embroidered on it and the robe nicely folded up inside:
The name Maureen embroidered on bag.
One of the first things I noticed was the bright orange patch sewn on the back of the gown. It’s great for brand recognition for the company but I would have preferred something less obvious as a consumer. It’s OK if you have long hair which would mostly cover it but with short hair it is a rather obvious beacon.
Janes hospital gowns Logo.
There are currently two size choices: Size 1 which fits sizes 8 to 14 and Size 2 which fits sizes 16 to 4x — definitely a better alternative to “one size fits most”. If things go well I hope they will add a third size for 5x to 7x women who have an even harder time finding patient gowns.
To keep the gown shut there is an inner tie:
What the inner tie of the gown looks like done up.
And an outer tie. Both of which help to control how lose or tight you want or need to wear the gown:
What the outer tie of the gown looks like done up.
“Janes have been commercial laundry tested and approved. Therefore, in your home machine…you could wash a Jane hundreds of times and it will come out looking much like it arrived to you today.” I have washed and dried this garment two times in my home washer on the regular cycle and both times it was put in the dryer. We have fairly old equipment so I am sure they gave it a workout.
According to Sharon, “Janes are meant to be about comfort, coverage and dignity.” This patient gown definitely covers all three bases. My only real dislike at first was the neckline. While on the website the gowns look like they have a straight edge where the fabric crosses over:
The Get Janes gown on a bust.
Mine has a slight curve which causes some gaping:
Curved opening of wrap gown.
By day two I had settled this by folding the edges over like a shawl collar.
Shawl collar gown.
For a self purchase they are not a bad price at $32. You can get the monogrammed bag for an additional $7 (gift for someone else perhaps). Here is the full length of the gown (yes, that is me with no make-up) on a 5’8″ frame.
Plus size gowns from Get Janes.
Sharon’s family has a long history with cancer as her mother and two of her sisters are survivors. To honor this “2% of the profits from Janes fund free mammograms for under-served women”. I like how an actual amount is stated. I always hate it when companies say, “a portion of the sales”.
Does your doctor’s office carry a gown in your size?
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* Get your plus size patient gowns from Get Janes

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  1. Maureen…as always I found your comments to be thoughtful and very helpful to any consumer.
    Well done:)
    To further explain…the tag was originally to be placed at the back of the neck…inside on the gown. One focus group felt that some women during treatment develop very sensitive skin that cannot tolerate anything that rubs. The decision was then made to put it on the outside. To me it now looks sort of like a tag on athletic clothing. Of course I think it is adorable…but that’s just me:)
    You are absolutely correct about the gape of the gown. Going forward…ties will be sewn 1.5″ inches higher at the curve and that should be solved.
    Again, thank you for time and careful eye. My take away from your review is that there is something better out there for most women and that is a message worth spreading.
    My best,
    PS the little cinch sack costs $5.00…

  2. This is a really good idea! The fabric is a really good choice because it look substantial and not clingy. Last year when I went for my mammogram, the cover up they gave me was barely anything- thin light pink fabric, showed my belly, and barely contained the girls. I might need one of these!

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