My reviews of two handbags from Naturalizer.

Two Handbags for Me

On Black Friday I bought two handbags online at Naturalizer. I have purchased shoes and handbags from them before and am happy with them. These new bags were a huge deal, 50% off the handbags plus there was an online coupon for an additional 20% off plus it was also free shipping. So basically I got each handbag for about $30 without facing the crowds.

The first bag which I have put all my stuff into for the winter is the Elaine. It is a black textured bag with some nice detailing. I haven’t had a black handbag in some time so I was really looking forward to this one arriving. Here is what the bag looks empty — somewhat sturdy shape.

The bag sits empty for the moment but not for long!

I love the extra long handles for slipping over my shoulder and the braiding on the side is pretty.

The braided accents on the side of handbag.

There is a fringe tassle that can be left in place or used for keys. I usually just leave them in place as is.

The keychain tassle.

There is lots of space inside with two main compartments and a zipped center pocket that is quite large. There is the traditional zipped pocket on the backside and a few smaller pockets on the opposite side for phone etc. The inner fabric was not pretty which was disappointing. A little on the rough side too.

The empty compartments in the handbag.

There is lots of room and it fit all my stuff.

The inside full of my stuff.

And my bag is now all full and ready to go.

The bag full of my stuff.

The second bag was the Shapely in taupe and black. I thought it looked a bit dressier than an average day bag with the color blocking and I liked it was still neutral.

My color block taupe and black handbag from Naturalizer.

In terms of workmanship I am perfectly happy with the outside of both bags. But the inside lining was disappointing especially in the Shapely bag.

The inside of my shapely handbag.

In my opinion the lining should be thick enough that you can’t see the purse parts and so crumbs or whatnot cannot work their way between the lining and material of handbag. If I had paid the $85 price tag for this bag I would have been incredibly disappointed. If costs are at a premium then I can definitely do without things like fringe keychains to get a better lining.

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