Playing with a little Sleigh Ride for Two dark red nail polish.

A Sleigh Ride in February

I bought OPI’s Sleigh Ride for Two before Christmas but just never had a chance to wear it. Our snowbanks are still a couple feet high so I feel perfectly legit in wearing this deep dark red with a fine shimmer. I actually quite love it.

My nails are ready for the slopes with Mariah's deep red nail polish by OPI.

It is a nice formula. There were a few bare spots with one coat but two coats made it totally opaque. This nail polish is from the Mariah Carey holiday collection (I think there were 12 colors) and is still available on Amazon, Nail Polish Canada.

A few days later I received Cuccio “Remix” in my Top Box order and tried it out as an accent nail. This is only one coat. I have not used this brand before — I wish they had sent a solid shade because you really don’t get a feel for a brand until you’ve tried regular polish. So far so good though.

Adding a little sparkle to the accent nail with Cuccio's remix glitter nail polish.

Do you have a favorite OPI red, or other brand red?

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* Get Sleigh Ride for Two from Amazon

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