DIY Elmers Glue Base Coat
I ordered some clear empty nail polish bottles on Etsy so I could make a glue base coat. If you haven’t already heard what that is, basically it’s mixing glue with water and applying it like a base coat. It was initially used underneath difficult to remove glitter nail polishes so they can be peeled off instead of soaking fingertips in acetone.
Generally I wear my nail polish for about four days. Mostly because I get bored but also because I am a picker. It doesn’t matter that I know it’s bad for my nails — I have some deep neurological deviation that forces me to do it. Before I started wearing nail polish on a regular basis it was my nails and cuticles — it was more unsightly and painful but I digress. When I first heard of the peal off glue base coat I knew I had to try it.
Most of the videos I’ve seen are about a third of a bottle glue with a teaspoon of water or more to get the right consistency. My Elmers glue bottle was a pain in the ass. Seriously, it almost hit the wall at one point.
First I couldn’t get it to squeeze glue out (yes it was open), then it was squeezing too much out, then the glue was clogging the entry hole of the nail polish bottle. I made a mess. Thank goodness I put down paper towel before starting. I finally finished with the glue, cleaned up the mess, and added some warm water from the tap and shook that baby.
I applied one coat and it dried within two minutes. I decided to apply another coat and a real base coat (just in case because I am so paranoid about color bleeding these days).
It works. You can’t fiddle with it or wash your hands until you have applied nail polish otherwise it will be washed away. It definitely stays in place for a few days until polish started to lift around the edges. I have tried it a few times so far but am not sure if it is something I’ll make part of my routine.
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* Get empty nail polish bottles on Etsy