Become a List Maker
It is quite possible that as a writer, you are juggling a lot of writing balls. You might be working on your novel. You might have an assignment due for a magazine. Or perhaps you are trying to get a short story written for a contest deadline. You have all of this plus what life throws at you on a day-to-day basis.
Writers may be struggling with a full-time job as well as family issues which means time is limited. If you only have a one or two hour writing period, you need to get as much done as possible to maximize your time. Women by their very nature are natural multi-taskers however it is very easy to look at all that has to be done and lose the plot.
How do you not give up and get it done? You accomplish all your tasks by doing two things: create a list and tackle it bit by bit.
Each day (or the night before), create a list with what needs to be done for that writing session. Instead of looking at the complete magazine article, gather the facts tonight or concentrate on a catchy title. Short story due? Write down the rough draft tonight without making any corrections. Your novel? Concentrate on the next scene. If you do not know what the next scene is supposed to be then write any scene or write an outline of the book you want to write.
As you complete each small task and cross things off your list, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. What happens if you don’t finish everything on your list? Divide the tasks over your next writing day (s). But be sure to accomplish at least one item on your list.
Before you know it you will be whittling down your writing tasks on a daily basis and over time, it will yield big results.
I love my lists (perhaps too much) and can’t go a day without them!
Me too! Can’t start the day without at least one list, actually I usually make mine the night before.