First Camping Trip with New Trailer

Are we camping or are RVing? I really don’t feel like we are camping because we aren’t sleeping on the ground in a tent. And I don’t feel like we are RVing because it isn’t a motorhome. And travel-trailering just seems too cumbersome but since it’s a campground I guess I will go with camping. Or maybe Rving. You definitely need all this stuff if you are Rving (Honestly, this is about half. I swear I tried to keep it to necessities.)

How are we going to fit all these supplies in the trailer?

Camping KOA Brighton

We have known about KOA campgrounds for decades but have never stayed at one. KOA Brighton was our first experience with pulling our trailer into a campground, checking in, parking, stabilising etc.

We got a little scared when we had to drive down past the campsites to the camp store to check in as the road narrowed to one lane on a slight curved decline. We were momentarily confused wondering how we would get out but then realized it was a one way that would loop around.

The location of the camp store and the road to our camp site.

Jason was inside in work gear with his brother and I chatted with them for a few minutes while Jeff finished the hassle-free check-in process with Jackie. We had no idea at the time it was their opening weekend.

Rubber Ducky Anyone

A season promotion for Brighton KOA is the “Collect a Ducky” contest. For every weekend you stay you get a different themed ducky. At the end of the season, the campers with the most duckies when a prize. Here is our first ducky.

Adorable April rubber duck. The first for our collection.

They have other family oriented weekend events throughout the season too.

After registering, we hopped back into our truck and a summer intern escorted us via golf cart to our camp site — talk about making the process stress free!!

Site B5

As you can see from the campground map above, our site was B5 and was centrally located. The campsite was well maintained and clean. It was a pull-thru so Jeff wouldn’t have to worry about backing up. Look how relaxed he is now that the trailer is parked.

Look how relaxed Jeff is now that the Jayco Trailer is parked.

The gravel strip was surrounded by green on both sides. On the front was our camping area which included a picnic table and a fire pit. F I R E!

The fire pit with two bags of wood and kindling.

On the opposite side our neighbours. We overlooked a road and could see the owner’s home, and the Big Bouncer (a giant rubber bubble that kids jump on and apparently LOVE; seriously, they love this thing).

Washrooms and showers were a few minutes walk. There is a little noise from the highway but it’s more of a background drone than a nuisance. There is a nice treeline view that surrounds the highway and I imagine in the fall it is quite lovely.

A view of treeline and hills as sun begins to set behind us.

The only negatives were no hot water in the shower area (for mens or ladies) and the wi-fi was pretty much nonexistent (Does any campground have good wi-fi? I think not.) I checked at numerous times and it was painful to download basic email. I eventually used Jeff’s phone. Overall we thought it was a great location. It was lovely and we plan to return.

Setting Up and Supper

We started to set up. When I see we, I mean Jeff. He had make sure the trailer was level. It wasn’t. We did a little back and forth on some wood planks he brought along and were mostly level enough so he could put down the jack and stabilisers. During this process a couple young men in a truck stopped and offered us some fire wood. Jeff purchased two bags and some kindling — which we now know is probably too much for a weekend when it’s just the two of us.

It was late afternoon when we pulled in so supper was a high priority. The outside stove was set on the picnic table and Jeff cooked some delicious burgers (see what else we ate this weekend).

Setting Up the BBQ.

I added salad, carrot sticks, and grapes to the mix which he was very happy about.

Jeff eating the burgers he cooked. And my veggies and fruit.

As you can see it was a bit cold for the last day in April. We didn’t mind though. It made it comfortable for what was to come.

Maureen pausing from supper for first camp supper photo.

That’s the neighbour’s camper, not ours.


I was a bit obsessed. I can admit it. The trailer was brand spanking new but in my opinion it was filthy. It hadn’t been cleaned since it left the factory. There was dust all over the walls, curtains, cupboards etc. I washed down and vacuumed everything but it’s still not as clean as I would like. I know, I know, it’s camping. Camping is not a clean activity. Ha!

It really didn't feel like the trailer would ever be clean.

Because of the cleaning process and organizing we really didn’t get to explore the campground as much was we wanted. There is a nature trail and a dog trail we both want to check out — maybe next time.

Campfire or Bonfire

We did get to build a fire. Well, I built it. Jeff got to watch me build it.

Building a fire in the pit on our campsite.

And it was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Having the kindling already cut was certainly helpful but I probably wouldn’t get it again. Who needs kindling?! Just call me firestarter.

Warming up by the fire.

It was a long day. We were definitely tempted to snooze by the fire. Oooooo, fire….

Fire Pit.

I love their fire pits. The jumping reindeer metal with the fire background is pretty cool.

Practice Makes Perfect

Jeff got a refresher on dumping the black and grey tanks and learned that the starter kit that came with the trailer was crap. One of the first things on his list of “things to get” is a better hose — better as in longer and more flexible. He also hitched and unhitched the truck a few times.

Everything in Its Place

Our first camping trip was all about getting comfortable with our new addition. Everything pretty much has found its place inside the trailer and in the basement. At least it went from an overstuffed trailer…

We stuffed Glenn to the max.

…to a space where a  teacher can do some work (a teacher’s work is never done!)

A teacher's work is never done. Brought some camping.

It was a short trip, two nights and a full day but I think we settled in pretty well.

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  1. Nice! We camped a LOT when I was a kid. We had a few different trailers (all hard-sided) and a Suburban as our tow vehicle. Brighton KOA was also the first place we camped, ironically! We camped all over the US and Canada. One of our favourite more local campgrounds is Coburg East campground, although I haven’t been in years now.

    1. Brighton KOA has new owners now. Very family oriented if you guys ever want to come back this way. We eventually want to do both the east and west coast and eventually get into the states. It is going to be a well used trailer by the time we are done. LOL. I will put CEC on my list of sites to check out. Thanks for stopping by and recommending it! 😀

  2. Wow, I love your story telling, you made me laugh and I realize that we have a similar sense of humour. You are also a clean freak(I say it in the nicest way) like me. I love your camper/trailer/rv…. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it for years to come and the stories keep coming as well….:)

    1. Thank you! We hope to get many years of use out of it.
      I wouldn’t say I am a clean freak per se, if you came here right now the place is a sty. Cleaner than some, messier than others.
      Email me when you get the chance!

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