Potty Training Your Writing
Scheduling your writing is a bit like potty training, except less messy.
It is 4:30 am here and I just finished taking the puppy out to potty. We have a specific routine during the day and another at night. During the day it is every thirty minutes and at night every three hours. Some days we have to change it depending on the environment we are in. If this leads to success it is awesome. If it leads to an accident then the next day we readjust our plan.
Why so much info on potty training? Well this week I want you to take a good look at the writing you plan to do and when you plan to do it. Look at the other activities of your day and schedule your writing time in at appropriate increments that suit the different parts of your day, each day.
Planning ahead helps you get closer to your goal and helps you adjust to any “accidents” along the way. Review each day’s plan as the week goes on and make adjustments for what worked or didn’t work the day before.
Like potty training, one day may be perfect, one day may not. But it is important to not become frustrated with yourself or your writing. Keep trying, adjusting, and perfecting your daily plan until you have made it to your weekly goal.
Wishing you all a successful week of writing.