Write More Social Media Less
I like social media. More specifically, I love Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter in that order. Unfortunately, it interferes with my ability to write more. Each day, I start out with good intentions. I try to tackle my list but before I know it, I have to get dinner ready and nothing has been accomplished.
I was forced to sit back and take an honest look at my situation. Unfortunately, I spend too much time on the internet. Also, I am struggling with writing the sequel to Claire Daly: Reluctant Soul Saver. A major rewrite is a necessity. While I wring my hands and whine and moan, I pin clothes from the last one hundred years in fashion over on my boards at Pinterest in an effort to distract myself from what I have defined as a Herculean task: the sequel rewrite.
My Write More Social Media Less Plan
I have a plan to break the habit. First, I am using social media as a reward. If I cross writing related things off my to-do list and reach my word count for the day, I can go on my favorite social media platforms.
Second, I am using a back bedroom in the house where the internet access is dodgy. We live in a rural area where the internet speed is very slow but still ahead of dial-up. Well barely. I drag the laptop back to this bedroom and I write. If you do not want to go to this extreme, there are apps that will restrict internet access to varying degrees like Freedom (iTunes) or StayFocused (Chrome).
Third, I am getting up earlier to get the writing completed. That way at least it is done no matter what happens during the rest of the day.
At the end of the day, I have nothing to show for all the fun I have on social media. It is my lifelong dream to be a published writer, not to get to the next level in Candy Crush. Now, I have a plan for getting my daily word count completed. I will let you know how it goes.
How do you juggle your writing and social media addiction?
This article first appeared on the Book-in-a-Week website 11/19/2016.