The Hybrid Writer

The decision to create an outline for a work-in-progress (WIP) is truly an individual one. Most writers are divided into plotters or pansters. Plotters would not dream of starting their novel without first creating an outline. Pansters literally fly by the seat of their pants. They prefer to let the muse run the show and…

Time is of the Essence

When writing fiction, I find timelines to be tricky, slippery little devils. My current work-in-progress (WIP) is a holiday novel and the opening scene takes place the Monday after Thanksgiving (US). So, I am motoring along, seventy thousand words in and so much has happened that I have no idea what the date is in…

Character Fact Checker

When you are first going out with someone, you want to know everything about them: where they went to school, their favorite meal and even what sports team they root for. That kind of enthusiasm should be carried over into the formation of your fictional characters by creating a character fact checker. In a much…