Journal Mondays Writing Prompt
Make a list of at least five scary places. Pick one and write a complete description of it. At the end if you have time journal about why it is particularly scary for you. Save the other four for another day.
This could be about journaling or it could be prompts.
Make a list of at least five scary places. Pick one and write a complete description of it. At the end if you have time journal about why it is particularly scary for you. Save the other four for another day.
Open a fresh page in your journal and draw a circle about half way across the page so it is big enough to write in and on the outside of it. On the inside of the circle list the things that you keep close to you and on the outside of the circle list the…
Journal about the threat of nuclear war? Do you think it is over for North America? Or do you think it is just on the back burner while the smaller countries are catching up to technology? Would you want to know of an impending attack or would you just like to keep going about your…
If someone were to surprise you with something special this week what would you want it to be? Journal for fifteen minutes about the special surprise.
Set your timer and for the next fifteen minutes journal about whether you truly believe there is life on other planets. Include a list of ten reasons why and ten reasons why not.
In your journal make a list of fifty words for acts of kindness.
For the next fifteen twenty minutes write about a time in history (other than current) that you think you would fair well in. Describe the time period for a few minutes and what you like about it then elaborate with at least five reasons why you think your personality is suited for that time period…
For the next fifteen minutes (or longer) explore the experience of laughter in your life. Do you laugh easily? Can you laugh at yourself? How do you react to others laugh at you?